Nächste Schulungen
Sprin 2025
ISO 13485 Standard Internal Auditing
Training Day 1
Training Day 2
Nina Vartiainen is a biochemist with a PhD in molecular neurobiology. She has over a decade of experience in multinational teamwork and project management in R&D projects. Most recently, she has worked with medical device and laboratory quality management systems. She also has hands-on experience in business development by integrating product development projects with quality and regulatory frameworks.
Nina Vartiainen on biokemisti, jolla on tohtorin tutkinto molekyylineurobiologiassa. Yli vuosikymmenen kokemus monikansallisesta tiimiyhteistyöstä ja projektinhallinnasta T&K-projekteissa. Viimeksi työskennellyt lääkinnällisten laitteiden ja laboratorioiden laadunhallintajärjestelmien parissa, ja hänellä on omakohtaista kokemusta liiketoiminnan kehittämisestä yhdistämällä tuotekehitysprojekteja laatu- ja sääntelykehykseen.
Professionals working with healthcare devices and supplies; quality managers; those responsible for developing and maintaining the quality management system or interested in these topics. Basic knowledge of the ISO 13485:2016 standard is required to participate.Nach diesem Training
- You will have fundamental knowledge of the concept, scope, and procedures of auditing
- You will understand the significance of auditing as a tool for developing quality management
- You will gain the skills to function as an internal auditor in compliance with ISO 13485:2016 requirements
- You will know how to incorporate additional quality system requirements imposed by EU legislation (MDR 2017/745, IVDR 2017/746) into internal audits
- You will understand the special characteristics of auditing subcontractors
- The training is conducted in two parts.
- The intermediate assignment involves conducting an audit exercise in your own organization.
- Basic knowledge of the ISO 13485:2016 standard is required to participate in the training.
- The training includes small-group discussions and interactive exercises using various tools (e.g., Socrative, Kahoot, Mentimeter).