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Can your EQA provider fulfill ISO 15189 requirements?


Welcome to Labquality´s booth at Nordic Congress in Clinical Chemistry in Helsinki

XXXVI Nordic Congress in Clinical Chemistry will be held in Helsinki 12-15 June 2018. We are introducing our advanced Integrated EQA program and scientific program of the International Congress on Quality in Laboratory Medicine 2019.


Integrated EQA

Integrated EQA is a completely new approach to External Quality Assessment. Labquality´s advanced integrated EQA programs integrate pre- and postanalytical phases to the traditional analytical EQA. This approach covers the whole laboratory testing process and provides full support for the ISO 15189 standard reguirements. Labquality´s Integrated EQA programs cover already the main areas of laboratory medicine and more schemes are launched in 2019.

Reguirements of ISO 15189 in chapter

“Interlaboratory comparison programme(s) chosen by the laboratory shall, as far as possible, provide clinically relevant challenges that mimic patient samples and have the effect of checking the entire examination process, including pre-examination procedures, and post-examination procedures, where possible.”

Labquality´s Integrated EQA program is the only program in the world which can fulfill these requirements.


International Congress on Quality in Laboratory Medicine 2019

Welcome to International Congress on Quality in Laboratory Medicine 7-8 of February, 2019. The inspiring scientific atmosphere of the Congress attracts every year medical laboratory and quality management professionals to Helsinki to exchange ideas and meet colleagues. The themes of 2019 Congress are Quality Control Reinvented? and Digital Health.

Quality Control Reinvented?

How quality control should be organized in laboratory medicine today and in the future? Our international speakers will challange some current opinions and give you new insights into reinventing your own quality control principles. The inspiring scientific congress gathers healthcare and medical laboratory professionals every year to exchange ideas and meet colleagues in Helsinki.

This session will be opened by Sten Westgard, Professor, Director of Client Services and IT, Westgard QC, USA and Tony Badrick, Chief Executive, The Royal Collage of Pathologists of Australasia Quality Assurance Programs (RCPAQAP), Australia with challeging new ideas of internal quality control.

Digital Health

Healthcare technology has never been more interesting. Collaborations among companies, engineers, scientists and service providers have resulted in an explosion of innovative technologies that are reshaping medicine as we know it. These new technologies are vitally needed now, because rates of obesity, diabetes, cancer, and other diseases are on alarming level. We need faster, better ways to meet the demand for care and take the healthcare to the bext level, from cure-based system to preventive.

Digital health theme will be covered with advanced stiudies of population based genetics and biomarker analysis powered by artificial intelligent data management technologies. The world class speakers will guarantee an unforgetable experience.


Welcome to Labquality´s booth

At the exhibition of the XXXVI Nordic Congress in Clinical Chemistry you will be served by Jukka Korhonen and Juha Wahlstedt from Labquality. In addition several Labquality´s employees and experts are available for discussions. If you want to appoint a meeting with us, you can find our contact details below. See you at Finlandia Hall, Helsinki.


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