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Digital External Quality Assessment Programs

Labquality's digital EQA product line provides an advanced approach to external quality assessment. Digital EQA programs or virtual EQA programs use digital images, videos, virtual microscopy technology, and questionnaires as EQA samples. Virtual EQA has many advantages. Samples have no stability issues and no shipping costs or logistical problems. All participants get to evaluate exactly the same sample at the same time all over the world. Only an internet connection and an appropriate screen are needed.

Digital EQA schemes are the most suitable for interpretative external quality assessment programs, including all phases of the laboratory testing process. Labquality has created a digital EQA product line covering the following areas of laboratory medicine:

  • Anatomic pathology (identification of histology and cytology)
  • Clinical chemistry and haematology (identification of cells and particles)
  • Clinical physiology (interpretation of ECG and Spirometry)
  • Immunology and microbiology (interpretation and identification of stainings and microbes)
  • Preanalytical phase of laboratory testing (interpretation of case descriptions)

Hundreds of laboratories in Europe and worldwide have been using Labqualty´s digital EQA schemes for years. Digital EQA programs are sometimes the best or the only choice for laboratories in developing countries or rural areas where logistical issues can prevent participation in traditional external quality assessment programs.

Download the digital EQA leaflet below. The details of each program are listed in EQA Programme 2018, which can be downloaded below. You can also try virtual microscopy technology on our demo page.


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